Deodorant ZEON Clean™

Deodorant ZEON Clean™

Deodorant ZEON Clean™ is a deodorant containing organic acid, inorganic compounds, and natural extracts as major ingredients, and it eliminates odors through chemical reaction and absorption. We offer a wide range of product grades to accommodate the various types of target odors and preferred method of deodorizing.

Deodorant ZEON Clean™
Grade Description Target Odors
ZCL-3000 SeriesPDF Odor-neutralizing deodorant that contains organic acid and metallic salt as major ingredients. Odor from sweat, kitchen refuse (4 major odors), feces and urine
ZCL-8000 SeriesPDF Odor-absorbing deodorant that contains inorganic compounds as major ingredients. Odor from sweat, feet, and aging


Fiber processing (exhaustion, padding), mist spray, free-standing deodorant, aerosol, nonwoven filters, kneaded into resin, etc.

Deodorant-Processed Products

ZEON KASEI also manufactures and sells deodorant-processed products made with its proprietary technologies for compounding, processing, and deodorant evaluation.


Deodorant Performance Test

Developing deodorant products, we conduct thorough deodorant evaluation tests using our fully-equipped facilities and deodorant evaluation technology.